UX Design

Apple x Orange

Project Info
  • Start Date: Dec 01 2017
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Role: UX Designer
  • User Research
  • Design Sprints
  • Journey Mapping
  • Wireframes
  • Sketch
  • Photoshop
Things Learned
  • Various approaches to remote user interviewing and testing.
  • Rapid prototyping techniques with Sketch, InVision, and Google Hangouts.
  • App taxonomy through user card sorting exercises.
  • Empathy and User Journey Mapping methodologies.
  • Architectural planning for an iOS application.
  • How to create clear actionable Product Requirements.

In late 2017, I worked with a small team of UC Berkeley innovators to research and design a concept mobile app for iOS. This app, called Apple x Orange, enables users to safely and easily trade with other users within their geographic region. To overcome some of the common issues that have arisen with legacy classified ad services like Craigslist, Apple x Orange gives users direct access to other user’s social media profiles, to help with vetting a potential trade partner. This feature, which users felt would significantly enhance their frequency and confidence in trades, as well as an optimal trade calculation tool, were both identified as key MVP features through extensive user research, interviews, and rapid prototyping. While the app still has yet to launch, the project was an incredibly powerful learning experience.
